Our Early Years 1982 - 1987

From Humble Beginnings …
One of the first tasks of the fledgling model railroad club was to find a place to build our layout.  We found a good location on the 2nd floor of the Orth Realty Building, which has long since been replaced by a bank.  The Club initially used several rooms there … most notably a 16' x 18' "Layout Room".  Membership grew; and the club wanted and needed to increase the size of the layout.  By this time the Club was only five years old, our only viable choice was to seek larger accommodations.  This need was amplified when the Club held its first "open house" shows and large numbers of model train enthusiasts gathered to see the display.  
Snow Sale Image
As this group of hearty (and zealous) members proves, not even heavy snow can prevent a Train Show from taking place!!  This band of merry men is advertising one of our traditional late-winter shows back in the early years.  

Once we determined that we needed to move to a larger home, we faced the daunting task of finding a space suitable to our needs.  Several sites were discussed, inspected, and ultimately rejected.  At one point, the Club even considered the purchase of land to erect its own building.  Finally an ideal site was discovered.

Due to several railroad mergers, the B&O Freight House (pictured on our Home page) was now owned by CSX.  the building had been vacant and unused for several years.  the freight house was now owned by CSX. located at 430 North Cameron Street, had ceased being a functioning building by the railroad and had been long-abandoned by them.  The challenging task of making this site usable and habitable by the Club is chronicled on the next page.
Snow Sale Image
As this group of hardy (and zealous) members proves, not even heavy snow can prevent a Train Show from taking place!!  This band of merry men is advertising one of our traditional late-winter shows back in the early years.